Fangyuanshenli 1#(general type)


The synergist is suitable for various mixtures, including: insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, seed dressing, seed coating, etc. It has favorable compatibility and affinity with mixtures. 
Dosage 1-3%.

Recommended dosage in part of the mixtures

Formula Auxiliary dosage(%) Formula Auxiliary dosage(%)
20%仲·唑磷EC 2 20.5%吡·唑磷EC 1-3
25%辛·氰EC 2 20%氯·唑EC 1-3
5.7%氟铃·高EC 2-3 20%·磷锡EC 2
5%阿·氯EC 1-3 20%阿维·唑磷EC 1-3
5%吡·氯EC 1.5-3 20%辛·唑EC 2
25%甲·氯EC 2 21%氰·马EC 2-3
11%吡·灭EC 1-3 20%马·氰EC 2-3
8%氰·杀晴EC 1-3 12%马·杀EC 2
13%毒·异EC 1-3 32%阿·哒EC 2
22%高氯·乙酰 1-3 15%阿·毒EC 2
10%苯丁·哒EC 2 10.2%阿·毒EC 2
10.2%阿·唑磷EC 2 20.5%敌畏·溴EC 2
10%阿毒·高氯EC 2-4 15%毒·高氯EC 2
1%阿·高氯EC 2-4 25%毒·氯EC 2-3
45%炔螨特·水胺EC 2 40%高氯·马EC 2-3

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